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How To Stop Your Period For Vacation

Dont Let Your Period Get In The Way Of Your Vacation

How to Delay Your Period for Vacation

Medically reviewed by Sophia Yen, MD, MPH Written by Pandia Health Editorial Team

Ah, vacations. The perfect time to relax. Theres no school or work to stress you out, no early alarms demanding you get out of bed and you have lots of hours of fun ahead of you.

Until you realize that your period is due that week.

Most people with a uterus have thought I wish I could turn my period off! at least once. Luckily, there are ways you can skip your period for a week , and make sure it wont be an unwelcome guest on your vacation. And if you dont want to skip your monthly bleed, weve got ways to help make your period more comfortable.

Keep reading to find out how to enjoy your vacation on your terms.

How To Delay Period For Vacation Otc Pills Naturally + More

Your period can come earlier than expected, or even coincide with major events of your life. You may want to stop your period for vacation, to travel or for a wedding. So, how do you delay menstruation for a day, 2 days or even a week?

You can stop it with some over the counter pills such as ibuprofen and Norethisterone Based on hearsay, you can naturally delay it by exercising, using lemon or vinegar.

Difficulty Identifying Accidental Pregnancy

Using birth control to skip or stop periods makes no difference to fertility. You will be protected from pregnancy in the same way as you would be if you had a period on birth control. It is safe and will still protect you from pregnancy.

However, skipping periods may make it difficult to notice if you do happen to become pregnant. If you notice symptoms such as breast tenderness or nausea, take a home pregnancy or consult your healthcare provider.

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Bring Along A Period Towel

I do this at home too because Im lazy AF and dont feel like changing my sheets every time I spring a leak.

Bringing a towel along can also save you from the potentially awkward situation of waking up on the Japanese flag in your hotel room and trying to convince the cleaning ladies that, no, a murder did not in fact occur. So just bring an old towel with you, fold it in half for extra protection, and rest well.

How To Skip Your Period Without Birth Control

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Well start by saying that none of the natural methods mentioned below are proven scientifically to delay or stop your period from coming. That said, some women swear by these methods, and if youre not going the birth control route anyway, you really have nothing to lose by trying them.

  • Apple cider vinegar

A week before your period is meant to arrive, start consuming three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar three times a day. People claim that this can delay your period for about a week.

  • Gelatin

Empty a packet of gelatin into a cup with warm water and mix to dissolve well. Drink immediately. This may delay your period for a few hours.

  • Lemon

Lemon may delay your period or lighten your flow. Cut a lemon up into wedges and chew or suck on it to keep Aunt Flo at bay.

  • Gram lentils

Lentils are considered a traditional remedy for warding off a period. First, fry the lentils until they become soft and then grind them into a powder. Use the powder to make a soup by simply adding hot water. Eat the soup on an empty stomach every morning starting a week before the first day of your expected period.

There are so many wonderful things about being a woman, but some may argue that having a monthly period is not one of them. There are a lot of reasons that women may choose to skip their periods medical, social, or personal.

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Taking 2 Packets Of The Combined Pill Back

If you take a combined contraceptive pill, you can delay your period by taking 2 packets back-to-back.

How you do this will depend on which pill you take.

Examples are:

  • monophasic 21-day pills, such as Microgynon and Cilest you take a combined pill for 21 days, followed by 7 days without pills, when you have a bleed . To delay your period, start a new packet of pills straight after you finish the last pill and miss out the 7-day break.
  • everyday pills, such as Microgynon ED and Lorynon ED you take a combined pill every day. The first 21 pills are active pills and the next 7 pills are inactive or dummy pills, when you have your period. To delay your period, miss out and throw away the dummy pills, and start the active pills in a new packet straight away.
  • phasic 21-day pills, such as Binovium, Qlaira and Logynon the mix of hormones in each pill is different, depending on which phase you’re in. You need to take these pills in the correct order to have effective contraception. Ask your pharmacist, community contraception clinic or GP for more information.

Taking your contraceptive pills in the ways described above will not affect how they work as contraceptives.

If you’re not sure which pill you’re on or which pills in the packet to miss out, speak to your pharmacist, community contraception clinic or GP.

Avoid taking more than 2 packs without a break, unless your GP says you can.

There’s a risk you could experience side effects, such as:

  • feeling sick

Can Exercise Delay Periods

Exercise, of course, has many benefits, one of which is to subside cramps and other period pains, but it does not affect the timing of your period.

It is also commonly known that for some women, excessive exercise or low-calorie intake can altogether skip their period, but this causes other health problems and is not advised to delay your period.

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How To Delay Your Period For Your Holiday Cosmopolitan

Aug 7, 2019 If you often want to delay your period, your options include taking the combined contraceptive pill back to back or considering a Mirena coil.

May 23, 2019 Can I Delay Getting My Period On Vacation? If you use hormonal birth control such as the pill, the patch, or the ring, you can plan in advance

Apr 17, 2019 Norethisterone is commonly used because its familiar, its something weve used for many years and it works, says Dr Prabha Sivaraman, a

Apr 9, 2021 You can delay your period with certain forms of hormonal birth control. But thats about all that will work. Dont be fooled into thinking home

Jan 31, 2020 Find out how and get answers to common questions about using birth control to delay or prevent periods. How does it work? Traditional methods of

Ways To Delay Your Period

How to Delay Your Period for Vacation/Postpone Period Naturally

Many women want to postpone their periods for a couple of days or a week. Ideally, there’d be a quick fix to tell your body to hold off for a second and wait on the whole menstruation thing. But finding a natural method to delay your period, like eating special foods or drinking apple cider vinegar, is more of a hopeless pursuit.

You should know that the most reliable way to delay your period is with medicine. You can use birth control pills to keep your period from coming, whether you want to postpone it for a week or skip it entirely. To get the medicine, you’d need to ask your doctor for a prescription.

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How To Delay Your Period Safely And Effectively According To

Sep 21, 2021 How to Delay Your Period in a Safe, Effective Way, According to Experts like a wedding or long-awaited vacation, and you realize its

Apr 24, 2020 Going to the gynecologist is a good enough reason for any women to want to delay or skip a period. Youre going on vacation. It can be pretty

If you are on the contraceptive pill you can delay your period by a full cycle, thereby not having a period for a month. To do so, you need to take two packets

How To Delay Or Skip Your Period Because Bustle

Nov 5, 2019 There are other options for using birth control to delay your period, such as extended-cycle birth control pills, Depo-Provera ,

Oct 3, 2018 1 · If Youre On Birth Control Pills, Try To Avoid Having Your Period On Vacation · 2 · Opt For The Menstrual Cup · 3 · Stay Active · 4 · Have Sex Or

Feb 27, 2017 How to Delay Your Period for Vacation. Watch later. Share. Copy link. Info. Shopping. Tap to unmute. If playback doesnt begin shortly,

May 10, 2021 No matter how predicable your period is, there are times when you dread it. In the middle of a long-planned vacation? Check.

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A Scheduled Visit To The Gynecologist

Scheduled a pap smear months in advance, only to realize that it falls out on your expected period date? Its uncomfortable enough bleeding down there, but to have someone peering into your privates during your period thats enough to make anyone cringe.

Going to the gynecologist is a good enough reason for any women to want to delay or skip a period.

Can You Get Period Delay Tablets Over The Counter

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No, period delay tablets are prescription-only. There are some serious health risks for certain people if they were going to take progesterone medications like period delay pills. So its important that a doctor can check to make sure theyre safe for you to take.

Although you need a doctor to check you for period delay treatment, you dont have to do it face-to-face. With services like Superdrug Online Doctor, you can get checked online instead using a quick and easy healthcare question that one of our doctors checks for you.

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My Favourite Happy Period Products

When you get your period, this is what you can use to make your menstruation as stress-free as possible, so you can get on with your adventures. Wondering particularly how to manage periods without pads and tampons? I got you covered.

Picking one of the products below means you will save more money to travel

The environment will love you: less plastic, less waste

Youll be way more in touch with your body and cycle = girl power

What Are Reviews Of Norethisterone Like

You can see reviews of norethisterone on There are only reviews available for contraception and not for period delay. Generally our patients rate our norethisterone tablet service highly you can see TrustPilot reviews further down this page.

Hormonal medications like norethisterone affect different people differently, so its hard to predict how you will react. If you have any problems or concerns about your period delay treatment, you should get in touch with your GP or message a doctor directly through your account if you ordered online.

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Start Drinking More Water

If you are interested in delaying your period for a vacation within a short time, then increase your water intake. Water is rich in chlorine, a chemical that has shown a in a study.

The research examined the urine samples of women who consumed different types of water, including tap water. In all women, the results were similar. The scientists observed reduced ovarian function with the increase in trihalomethanes levels in the body.

THM is a combination of various chemicals that are produced as by-products of chlorination of water. No matter what kind of water it is, if it contains chlorine, THM will be present in it.

The research also deduced that increased THM might cause early pregnancy loss among women who are already pregnant and consuming a lot of water.

So ladies, if you want to temporarily control your menstrual cycle, start drinking more water than usual.

How To Stop Your Period From Coming Using Birth Control


Is your period due during your vacation? Skip the bleed!

The patch, the pill, and the ring are 3 hormonal birth control options that allow you to skip your period entirely if you want a month off or want to enjoy your vacation without the stress of cramps and period upkeep.

If you are taking the birth control pill, patch or ring, there is no medical reason why you need to have a bleed every month, meaning you can skip your period if you wish. To skip your period, all you need to do is make sure you skip the break/bleed week for the patch/ring or dont take the sugar pill/placebo week for birth control pills.

If you are using the combined birth control pill, simply skip the row of placebo pills or the week off after you finish three rows of active pills and go straight into the next pack. With the ring, change it after 28-30 days, rather than the usual 21, as it has 35 days of hormone in it. Similarly with the patch, just switch to a new patch after week three, rather than having a free week.

When skipping your period with the patch, you should NOT use it for more than 12 weeks in a row without having a bleed. Make sure to have a bleed at least every 12 weeks, otherwise, you will experience a build-up of estrogen and risk blood clots, which can lead to complications and even death.

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Watermelon For The Win

Like cucumber, watermelon is believed by some to possess cooling properties that can keep bleeding at bay. As far as science is concerned, the jury is still out on this remedy.

However, there is evidence to support the diuretic effects of watermelon. So add watermelon to your menu if its bloating you want to escape rather than bleeding.

While science cant confirm the aforementioned natural remedies to put off your period, you can rely on good old Western medicine for proven results.

Delaying Your Period If You’re On The Pill

If you’re taking the combined contraceptive pill, you should be able to take 2 packets back-to-back to delay your period . For more information, see the contraceptive pill and period delay.

You can delay your period in this way if you take most brands of the combined contraceptive pill, including Microgynon, Rigevidon, Cilest and Yasmin. However, some types of combined contraceptive pill contain a different mix of hormones in each pill . If you are taking a phasic pill brand you should consult with your doctor before attempting to delay your period.

If you take Cerazette, or another brand of the the mini pill , you will be taking a pill every day anyway, so there is no way to delay your period by skipping the 7-day break.

How does taking back-to-back packets delay my period?

You normally get your period when the lining of your womb sheds. The hormones in the combined contraceptive pill help to sustain the womb lining, and so taking back-to-back packets sustains it for longer.

Is it safe to take packets back-to-back?

Yes, this is common practice.

Can I take more than two packets back-to-back?

Yes, you can take up to three packets of the combined contraceptive pill back-to-back to delay your period for longer. However, this will cause the lining of your womb to build up extensively, and your chances of spotting or breakthrough bleeding increase. You will also be more likely to feel bloated.

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No Matter What Youve Heard Hormonal Birth Control Is The Only Real Way To Stop Your Period Or Make It Lighter

An anatomy lesson: Your uterus builds up a lining of blood and tissue each month just in case your egg gets fertilized. If no little sperm find your egg, your body sheds it allegg, blood, and tissue .

Behind the process are a couple of hormones called estrogen and progesterone, according to the Merck Manual. And when you’re on hormonal birth control , it manipulates your natural levels of estrogen and progesterone to keep you from getting pregnant typically by stopping your body from ovulating and/or by causing a change in the thickness of the mucus in the cervix to make it harder for sperm to get to the egg.

These are some of the popular types of birth control that can help stop your period:

It’s always wise to talk to your doctor first about stopping your period with birth control. They can advise you as to which method might be the best fit for you and your lifestyle.

Incorporate Gram Lentils In Your Diet

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Another useful natural method to delay the period before vacation is by incorporating gram lentils in your diet. Yes, it really does work!

My friend had to go on a business trip to Florida during the summer. The period has always been a nuisance and an extremely tiresome time for her. She becomes a kind of incapable of performing even the routine tasks, let alone give a presentation in front of hundreds!

Thats when she resorted to the traditional ways of dealing with this problem. She asked her mom how to delay the period without pills usage. She suggested eating gram lentils for 2 weeks regularly.

Heres how you can prepare and eat gram lentils and avoid spoiling your vacation with crimson!

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