Wednesday, September 11, 2024

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Why Is Vacation Bible School Important

Reasons Why You Should Volunteer For Vacation Bible School

Mother of Sorrows 7 13

Vacation Bible School season is here. Moms and dads are excited to sign the kids up for 5 days of crafts, Bible instruction, learning new songs, and fun!

VBS is a great way to minister to families in our communities by ministering to their children. What makes a VBS successful, however, is a team of great volunteers.

Churches often have a difficult time recruiting volunteers. This may be because people dont understand all the blessings and benefits they will receive from volunteering.

So to help, here are 8 reasons you should volunteer for VBS:

1) Jesus said, Whatever you did for one of the least of did for me. . So when you are doing crafts and acting out the Bible story with 3rd graders at VBS, you are doing it for and with Jesus.

2) VBS is an excellent review for when you play Bible trivia. Most likely, you have forgotten some of the details of Jonah and the Whale or Daniel and the Lions Den. VBS is a great way to review foundational Bible stories.

3) At VBS, you will meet other volunteers and make connections with new people. Serving together is a great way to start new friendships with people already in your church. When we attend the same service each Sunday and sit in the same place, we limit opportunities to meet new people. This shakes things up a bit!

4) At VBS, you are guaranteed to get some good exercise! Between doing the movements to the VBS songs and participating in the daily games, you are sure to get your steps in!

The Vacation Bible School

The original purpose of Vacation Bible Schools was to use idle students and idle churches to teach idle children the Word of God. Now after little more than half a century, Christian leaders have recognized the Vacation Bible School, or Vacation Church School, as one of the most important resources of Christian education in the development of youth. Although churches and church leaders were slow to see its values at first, it is accepted today as an integral part of the program of Christian education. A conservative estimate is that more than 7 million pupils and workers are enrolled in the schools each summer. These millions testify with enthusiasm that the values of Vacation Bible Schools far outweigh the work and expense which they require.


One of the factors that has sparked the unusual success of the Vacation Bible movement has been the work of dedicated leaders. Nearly a million workers make up the mighty army serving as missionaries to childlife each summer. Many of them are highly trained, and some receive remuneration for their work. Yet, the great majority are volunteer workers giving of their time because they love the Lord and love children.


Why Do You Do Vbs

It is a deep question. There are many good answers, but Scripture gives the ultimate reason to devote time, energy, and resources to a program like Vacation Bible School. As we seek to answer this question, we will look at three more why questions:

  • Why so much focus on teaching children?
  • Why go through all the work and expense of putting on a Vacation Bible School program every year?
  • Why does VBS ultimately matter?

In both of his letters to Timothy, Paul encourages him in his ministry. In 2 Timothy 3, we read that Scripture is valuable for teaching, reproof, correction, training in righteousness, and equipping for every good work but the context of the verses before this tells us something very important about Timothys knowledge of the Scriptures:

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

Paul is reminding Timothy to continue in his study of the Word of God and to remember the people who invested in teaching him since childhood. Some of these would be Paul himself Timothys mother, Eunice his grandmother, Lois certainly Silas and likely countless others. Some ministered to him when he was physically a child, and others as he grew in the faith.

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More Free Vbs Themes:

DLTK’s site also offers these four great free Bible School plans complete with curriculum and other fun activities:

F.R.O.G. – Fully Rely on God is a five day VBS curriculum that includes Bible lessons on Daniel and David from the Old Testament.

They also have five day VBS lessons dealing withThe Fruit of the Spirit, the Parables of Jesus, and a Treasure theme that teaches Jesus is our greatest treasure!

Why Vbs Is Important For Your Church

Vacation Bible School at Home

VBS has been around for years however many churches have changed where, when, and how it is offered. Maybe VBS is in your job description or youve been asked to direct it, regardless of how you’ve gotten involvedVBS is still one of the best outreach ministries for your church! Still not convinced? Here are some reasons why VBS is still important and relevant today.

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Why Is Vacation Bible School So Important

Vacation Bible School is the perfect way to immerse visitors into your unique church culture and VBS provides a wide opportunity for volunteers to work in childrens ministry. If youre not excited yet, just take a look at all the awesome 2020 VBS themes that are coming out for next summer.

Its time to shine for Jesus! Whos ready to party?

What To Know About Vacation Bible School For Kids

Vacation Bible School is a ministry outreach churches provide to educate children about God. Each church runs its own Vacation Bible School program but may use a purchased religious curriculum in its teachings.

To get more help on finding the right kids’ summer camps, you can read the Summer Camp Guide.

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How Can I Find A Vbs For My Child

Most churches have their own cacation Bible programs, and if you are a member of the church, then you could easily enrol in their own program. If it does not have one, then contact the church secretary to provide a list of other churches that are holding vacation Bible school and running VBS curriculums. Newspapers, magazines, message bulletins, and church websites give lots of insight into vacation Bible school dates, registration, and fees.

Vbs Does Not Hide Scripture

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One way to view VBS is like the spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine of Scripture go down. But Scripture is not something that needs to hidden. Instead, the truth of Gods Word should be the centerpiece of every VBS activity, craft and teaching. The surest way to drain your VBS of life is to hide Scripture behind the spectacle of skits, graphics and decorations. The key is finding a way to teach Scripture in a way that brings Gods Word to life in new and exciting ways!

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Vbs Idea #: Focus On Strengths

VBS focuses on the kids and leaders gifts and strengths. Kids not only learn through their strengths, but leaders can teach in the areas they feel most called. Howard Gardners theory of multiple intelligences applies to kids and adults. When kids experience various activities, and teachers can teach from their strengths, everyone walks away aware of Gods love for them. For example, a leader might dislike making crafts, but be an excellent game leader. Letting that leader teach your games activities will not only keep the leader enthusiastic, but the kids can learn more from a leader whos excited about what he or she is teaching. And when you plan varied activities, if a child doesnt quite get the connection from a game because hes not physically talented, hes likely to make the connection in a different activity where he is talented, such as a science-y object lesson.

And the best partthese VBS features dont have to involve all the extra hands or preparation that VBS requires.

Looking for even more great ideas for Vacation Bible School? Check out all our VBS posts.

Why Vacation Bible School Is Still Relevant Still Reaching

Its not too early to plan your VBS curriculum choices. Heres what to look for.

Fast forward to the present: There are countless curriculum choices with themes ranging from biblical times such as Group Publishings Hometown Nazareth Where Jesus was a Kid, to LifeWay Church Resources new product called Renew: The Green VBS where VBS brings together the Bible and environmental stewardship.

These curricula encompass themes in all aspects from the Bible stories, multimedia, video and activities. Everything is specifically designed around the theme from the clip art to the snacks.

Vacation Bible School is a well-known term as a form of religious education which focuses on children and is usually held during the summer for four or five days. The development of VBS over the last 117 years has grown to reach every state and span the globe. VBS has touched the lives of millions of young people and adults. Why is it important and how can we assure that it is still relevant and still reaching children in your church?

  • Should VBS be held during the day or in the evening?
  • Do you have the facilities to adequately host the event or should you book a venue outside the church?
  • If you do not have the facilities, what about several Neighborhood VBS locations?

Do not try to imitate other churches or to do things just because they have always been done that way. Be unique and creative. Brainstorm ideas to supplement the curriculum and add to the excitement.

Why is VSB still important

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Elements Parents And Kids Really Want In Vacation Bible School

Discover these six elements that parents and kids say make for a great vacation Bible school!

We thought it would be interesting to talk to some end-users of vacation Bible schoolparents and children. After all, these people are the final frontier that your VBS is trying to reach.

Eleven-year-old Chris Turpin of Richmond, Kentucky, understands what vacation Bible school is trying to achieve each summer. You have to learn about Christ, Chris says, but it has to be fun too. Make it interesting.

And how do you do that? Include the elements that the experts say are crucial to a great vacation Bible school.

Vbs Is An Opportunity To Share The Gospel

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VBS is an intentional evangelistic opportunity.

The biblical content built into the curriculum lays foundational truths that help kids understand who Jesus is and why they need a personal Savior. The relationships you develop with kids and their families can provide many opportunities to not only show the love of Jesus, but to share the truth of the gospel.

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Vacation Bible School Benefits

VBS, Vacation Bible School, takes place in churches around the world each year. It’s important. It impacts lives. It has eternal ramifications. BUT…it can’t happen without volunteers like you and me.

This single children’s ministry event has benefits that go far beyond one week of the year both for the attendee and the VBS workers who volunteer their time and efforts.

Why Is Sunday School Important

We hear from so many discouraged Sunday School teachers. The kids are rowdy, the resources are limited, or their church keeps loosing families. Even the best Sunday School lessons can fall flat on occasion. All this problems can weigh down the best teachers and even lead to burnout in ministry.

Today, we want to give you a boost.

Your Sunday School class is important. It matters to the kids, it helps parents fulfill their mission and most importantly it matters to God because Jesus loves kids.

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When You Can’t Volunteer For The Week

But what if you cant serve that week ofVacation Bible School? Maybeyoure going to be out of town or already have obligations or bad health.

But you can:

  • Pray! This is SO important! Possibly get a list of those that are able to work and pray for God to use them in supernatural ways! Pray for the kids that will attend and their families!
  • Encourage – Be a Barnabas to those that are going to work that weekthrough a text, note, or face-to-face encouragement.
  • Part-time before or after – Help cut out decorations beforehand, set-up, prepare snacks, register children, etc. Or help with clean up and take down the last day trust me, those tired volunteers will love a few extra helping hands at the end!
  • Financial Support – Yes, most churches have budgets for VBS, but those don’t always cover the expenses. Find out if this is a need you can help with.
  • Follow-up notes – Write and send follow up notes or thank you notes to volunteers for your church. Making that connection after all is said and done helps kids know they still matter and volunteers feel appreciated. 🙂
  • There are somany important needs that surround VBS and each is important! No small deed or action is toosmallits all ministry as the Body of Christ works together! So what part will you fill in yourchurchs VBS this year? Let’s prayerfully consider volunteeringand make a difference glorify God!

    More about VBS and free resources.

    Creative Bible-Bits Newsletter:

    Vbs Is An Opportunity To Build Relationships

    Children: Who is God? (Part 1) – Tim Conway

    Fellowship is as important for the little guys as it is for us. It is in childhood that many habits are formed, both good and bad. Teach them to contribute to each others lives, to encourage each other, and to help each other grow. VBS week is a great time for teachers and leaders to form friendships, too!

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    Vbs Is An Opportunity To Reveal God

    Deuteronomy 29:29 says that the secret things belong to God but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children We are entirely missing the point of the VBS exercise if the children put in our care walk away without taking home at least one revelation of who God is. We have all of creation and His written word to work with, so there is no excuse.

    What Is The Real Impact Of Vacation Bible School Find Out Here

    You probably started thinking about next summers Vacation Bible School the day after you finished your program this yearand thats a good thing! VBS can be an all-encompassing ministry effort that brings out the very best in your church.

    To encourage your head start this year, weve compiled loads of VBS information and tools as well as the results of our VBS Impact Survey. Youll hear from more than 100 churches that recently hosted VBS. Plus, youll find resources to help you assess your next VBS program. Also, dont miss our special VBS Guide!

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    Vbs: 10 Things That Vacation Bible School Is And Is Not

    Vacation Bible School started out as a simple week of Bible training for children that, over time, has become a carnival ride of themed and live interactive learning but lets strip away method long enough to consider the bare bones objectives that will help us stay on course with the purpose for which we have been called. People in the community may see it as a chance for free babysitting, but we have been given the directive to provide substantive and truthful answers to little minds that inquire, and the sobering reality is that we are accountable for every moment given and every resource afforded. As you make plans for your churchs Vacation Bible School, please take the time to do a little soul searching and consider VBS: What It Is, and What It Is Not.

    Vbs Is Outreach To Children

    Hope Stream Radio Archives

    There should always be a clear intent to share the Word of God to our children and make impacts in their lives. But parents ARE looking for safe places to drop off their kids during the summer months for work or a break, so the set of objectives carefully crafted by VBS leaders might look completely different than the parents, but both perspectives are worthy of consideration. After all, the position held by both parties essentially achieves the same thing: they bring in a young audience for instruction, modeling and care.

    If you are looking for more information to help keep your teams focus in the right place check out this article on 10 Simple Ways to Train Volunteers to Help with VBS.

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    The 3 Most Important Ideas From Vbs To Copy For Sunday School

    An excellent Vacation Bible School experience always leaves kids and ministry leaders delighted about Jesus and your childrens ministry program. But you dont have to wait an entire year to reap the benefits of an awesome VBS program. Here are three VBS concepts you can apply to your Sunday School curriculum to keep the delight going year-round.

    Vbs Is Outreach To Parents

    Keep the parents involved and this isnt just about utilizing skills, gifts and abilities either. It is about encouraging them in their call to be ministers in their childrens lives. To encourage parents to reinforce the biblical truths presented throughout the week. Consider having a kick-off meeting at the start of VBS and inviting parents to attend. You can also host a party at the end, celebrating the week and reviewing all that was learned. Make an effort to let parents know you are there for them as a church, through kids and family ministries and events, as well as extending any other family resources you have available.

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