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How To Lose Weight While On Vacation

Ensure You Get The Right Nutrients

How To Keep Losing Weight On Vacation | Simple Strategies | Nicole Collet

Losing weight can mean limiting caloric intake. To ensure youre getting enough of the right nutrients each day, try using a nutritional supplement. If youre maintaining a good workout routine, a nutritional supplement can also enhance your athletic performance. TravelingMom founder Kim Orlando likes Elevate Nutrition, a high-performance nutritional supplement thats made solely from plants.

I use Elevate as a meal replacement, to get me back on track after a trip, and my son uses it to add protein to his daily diet, Kim says. We both like that it is low carb and plant-based and most importantly for me, it tastes good. I can drink it mixed with just water and ice or I can add it to one of my full-blown veggie smoothies.

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If youre looking for a nutritional meal replacement check out the Chocolate and Vanilla protein powders from Elevate. All of the companys products are plant-based, non-GMO, gluten-free, soy-free, paleo-friendly, keto-friendly, and certified vegan. Its a great option regardless of your dietary restrictions.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, check out this incredible transformation photo of the Elevate Nutrition founders Paul and Jillian Salomone. Their wellness journey is truly incredible, read more about it here.

Fill Up On The Good Stuff

If youre going to a locale thats legendary for its tacos, taro pancakes, garlic mashed potatoes, or pasta Bolognese, you can still eat them! Just order them as sides, and for the rest of your meal, fill up on veggies plus lean protein, like grilled chicken, fish, or legumes. Youll still enjoy a delicious meal but wont feel deprived of the local experience.

Things Im Going To Do To Keep The Weight Off

So, what next?

Here are the things that Im working toward so I can keep off the weight and our family can enjoy more pleasant meal times at home:

  • Continue to prepare homemade meals.
  • Reduce snacking or make it more contained. No more ginormous bowls of buttered popcorn for me!
  • Serve a small appetizer while Im finishing prep work on our main meal. Everyone likes this and it makes our kitchen a more social place to be.
  • Keep portions reasonable and the meals varied. Last night I bought one Costco take-and-bake pizza and served a large salad and crudites to add variety and keep us from just mowing down pizza.
  • Make a conscious effort to eat slowly.
  • Develop more consistent work hours and deadlines so that I truly have off-time from work and recipe development.
  • Enjoy a variety of ingredients and preparations throughout the week. Nothing is forbidden as long as its not too much of any good thing.
  • Continue to exercise: yoga twice a week as well as cardio and strength training another 2 to 3 days a week.
  • Theres my story and my theories on how I lost six pounds on vacation.

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    You Are Always On The Go

    Perhaps its not the kids that keep you moving. Perhaps you have a travel partner whos vacation idea is constant sightseeing and hiking. Or perhaps thats your idea of holidays. When you are travelling the majority of your time is spent seeing the sights, or doing the sights and then getting up to do it all over again.

    Sunrises, sunsets, views for miles usually all require a certain amount of exercise. Want to see a waterfall? Thats a good hike. Want to ride a slide? Then start climbing those steps. What to be on the river, hop in your kayak.

    I mean you can cheat in Paris and take the elevator to the top of the Eiffel Tower, but dont let the lack of elevator stop you from seeing Batu Caves in Malaysia. And certainly, dont let your lack of fitness stop you from doing yoga in Bali.

    Increase Fiber And Fluid

    How to Lose Weight on Vacation: 5 Simple Tips

    Chances are, your vacation dining left you short on high-fiber foods like fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Such filling options will help you feel more satisfied and get your digestive system back on track, too.

    Alcoholic beverages and airplane travel may have left you a bit dehydrated. Keep a full water bottle handy even if you aren’t leaving the house-it’s an excellent reminder to hydrate.

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    Don’t Forget Where You Are

    Firstly, let’s not lose sight of the fact that you’re trying to maintain your weight loss on vacation. That means you’ve lost weight. Whether you’ve hit your goal or you’ve just made strides, pat yourself on the back! It’s not easy to do, but you did it. Appreciate how hard you worked to get here, and don’t stress maintaining so much that you don’t enjoy where you areon vacation. If you’ve lost weight already, you know you’ll be able to do it again. As Cooking Light Diet member Tammy Trindel Gillespie told Jackie, “You earned the right to NOT even think about what you eat for a week. Enjoy!!!”

    Women Explain How They Lost Weight On Vacation

    Yes, you can totally do it. No, you don’t have to stop eating.

    Vacation, that beautiful time when you get to escape day-to-day drudgery, is usually synonymous with indulgence. While in your normal life, you’re probably all about sticking to your healthy-eating plan and clocking regular hours at the gym. When you’re traveling, you probably let all of that slide. You might even think making any weight-loss progress on vacay is pretty much impossible, right? Wrong! These seven women shed pounds while taking time off, and some even brought those tips back home to keep the momentum going. See their genius tricks.

    “On my most recent vacation, my family and I went to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. It was quieter than our typical vacations, and I was worried about filling my days. But I guess the relaxed atmosphere really suits me because I ended up coming home five pounds lighter since we were so active. I started each day with an eight-mile bike ride near the beach, and our days were filled with things like a group runs, paddle boarding, kayaking, beach volleyball, and even group burpees and abs exercises, which didn’t feel like torture to do. I found that when left to my own devices, my default is actually active.” Alyssa L.

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    How To Lose Weight While On Vacation

    You spent MONTHS working out and eating right so that you could look hot while on vacation. Why stop there?

    While we love traveling, one thing that weve experienced again and again is weight gain. Its caused us to feel bad about traveling, trying new things, and much more.

    Traveling often forces us to change our normal habits. We tend to eat and drink more. Our choices are not as good. Were more relaxed and may want to choose to be sedentary over staying active. The list goes on.

    First things first, dont let the thought of weight gain ruin your vacation. If you go into your vacation fearing that youll gain weight, youll be miserable. Be easy on yourself and remind yourself that a vacation does not have to result in weight gain. Start with a positive mindset and you will naturally make positive choices while traveling.

    With that said, here are some ways you can prevent vacation weight gain.

    Don’t Drink Your Calories

    Weight Loss Motivation | How To Lose Weight & Stay Healthy On Vacation

    Smart beverage choices make a huge calorie difference. Passing on a caloric drink you could get back home leaves room for more of the local dining you really want to savor. Instead, choose low-calorie beverages or simply use a smaller glass for your drink.

    Examples of calorie savings:

    • Water vs. 32-ounce lemonade
    • Flavored herbal tea vs. 32-ounce soda
    • 4-ounce orange juice vs. 12-ounce orange juice
    • 8-ounce 2% milk vs. 16-ounce 2% milk
    • 1.5-ounce bourbon on the rocks vs. 12-ounce can of regular beer

    Pack a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated when traveling. It saves you money and keeps you going strong, so you can make the most of your vacation.

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    Vacation Diet Tip No : Have Dessert But Share

    Part of being on vacation is enjoying life, and part of enjoying life is ordering dessert when you really want to. If your meal has left you satisfied, you can take your dessert with you and enjoy it later when you are hungry again. You can also share your dessert with one or more dining partners, either at the table or later on.

    Often it’s the first few bites that we most enjoy anyway. So aim for satisfying your dessert craving with a handful of bites that you take the time to savor.

    The Math Behind Vacation Weight Gain

    Consider a vacation to a big city where you might walk five miles a day sightseeing, visit a hip new fitness studio once during the week, and go for one run while youre there.

    You are likely burning 2,200+ calories per day.

    That means youd have to eat 2,200 PLUS 500 calories more every day to average a single one-pound weight gain on your trip.

    If you came home from your vacation 5 or 10 pounds heavier on the scale, you likely didnt eat 17,500 calories above your needs in a week that would be an average of about 4,850 calories per day!

    Now I know Ive probably come close to eating that number in one day before, but not seven days in a row.

    I find that my body usually wants to eat less the day after I eat a lot. #balance

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    Eat More Fruits And Veggies

    We all know why fruits and vegetables are good for our health. But do you know that they can speed up your detoxification process and prevent constipation that commonly strikes us after long transit times at the airport or train station?

    This is because fruits and veggies have a lot of water, nutrients, and fibre in them. All of which improve the health of your digestive tract and help you get rid of your bloated belly fast.

    You May Just Hate The Food

    How to Lose Weight On Vacation

    What do you do when you go to a country and you cant stand the food. I remember seeing a friends meals in Japan and thinking I could eat nothing if I ever visited there.

    If you hate the food you will inevitably lose weight just from avoidance. In Australia or the US, its so easy to get what you want, when you want it. But there are other large parts of the world where if you dont eat seafood then youll be eating noodles or rice and thats it.

    And by the way if you dont lose weight on vacation you are not alone. Check out my blogging friends who gain weight on vacation.

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    Ditch The Buzz Go For Caffeine Alternatives

    Your holiday was full of buzz all the alcohol and stimulants so give yourself a break. This means avoiding any food that may contain caffeine . But if these drinks are part of your everyday routine, which may be important for returning to your slender self, then go for a caffeine-free alternative.

    Examples of caffeine-free options include herbal teas, like rooibos. Aside from being devoid of stimulants, red bush tea can also help you feel more relaxed. Since it is very rich in flavonoids and, specifically, a stress-relieving compound known as aspalathin sipping rooibos can help lower stress hormones that induce hunger and storage of fat.

    Vacation Diet Tip No : Be Careful With Condiments

    Consider this: Half of the fat grams in Arby’s Southwest Chicken Wrap or Ultimate BLT Wrap come from the ranch sauce or mayonnaise.

    Some types of condiments are super-high in calories and fat, especially creamy sauces and spreads like mayonnaise. Opt for condiments that contribute less than 25 calories per serving, like catsup, marinara, mustard, or BBQ sauce.

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    Totally Realistic Ways To Lose Weight On Vacation

    Vacation is a marvelous way to escape day to day obligations. While you are away it is essential to use the time to relax and recharge. Before a big getaway you may put extra effort into your diet and exercise routine to look and feel your very best in your vacation wardrobe. Use this guide to easily continue your healthy momentum so you come home feeling light and energized. Isnt that what a vacation is for?

    Over the years I have lost, maintained, and gained weight while on vacation. Each time the key to success or a weighty surprise has been in the planning.

    Now, I coach my weight loss clients to use the simple strategies I used for their vacations. Clients come home thrilled to share how the tips helped them stay on track during a vacation. Arriving home with their momentum still going is a huge confidence booster. Most confess they enjoyed their vacation time more thanks to these instructions. Shifting the focus away from food let them relax in an entirely new way. The results are boosted energy, time to play with their kids, increased sense of peace, and exploring more than previous vacations.

    You can have the same results as my clients, lose weight on vacation and have the best trip possible, by following these simple steps.

    Set Your Goal

    Before you put so much as a sandal in your suitcase, ask yourself: Do I want to gain, lose, or maintain my weight during this vacation? Be honest. Recommit to your goal daily while you are away.

    Be Accountable

    Youll Find Less Dairy And Wheat

    Lose Weight When You Travel // 6 Tips #OKLetsTalk

    Cheese costs a fortune in South East Asia that its not worth buying. And, of course, most meals are made with rice, not wheat. So you may not even notice your new gluten free diet when visiting.

    Granted this is not true in vacation spots in Europe where bread is your every meal accompaniment or in the US where the cream is served in coffee.

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    How Can I Prevent Vacation Weight Gain

    Recently, while traveling on a week-long marathon visit with family and friends, I found myself faced with having to eat meals and snacks on the run and at social events. It was great fun, but I decided to challenge myself to maintain and not gain weight during this week of exposure to marvelous calorie-laden foods. In the past, I have typically treated vacations as a time to cut loose and enjoy the rich foods and countless treats from which I usually refrain. But, now, I am finding it is harder to get away with this cavalier approach without gaining weight.

    Vacation weight gain is not inevitable. Try my simple strategies to keep the calories in check and add physical activity while having fun. You may be pleasantly surprised that you don’t gain weight during your vacation.

    Vacation Weight Gain: Weight It Out

    Over a decade ago when I had just finished losing my college weight, I used to weigh myself daily. But the scale started to control my emotions and I knew it was no longer serving me.

    I gave the scale up years ago.

    These days, the only time I hop on a scale is at the doctors office. My goal is to feel good in my body and in my clothes. A scale tells me my force against the earth, but it cant tell me how I feel.

    Using a scale

    A scale can be a useful tool to track long term trends and motivate someone to lose weight if they have medical advice they need to.

    I dont think that all scales need to be banished from society, as they serve a purpose for those whose health would benefit from weight loss. But if youre healthy and happy at the weight you are, a scale will likely cause more frustration than cheer.

    As I have made peace with my body over time, I realized that the number on the scale discouraged me more than it helped.

    Stepping on a scale after a vacation was one of those times. I have overheard folks report back from a week-long vacation, I gained 10 vacation pounds on my trip to Italy! I want to tell them to weight it out.

    It takes 2 days for me to lose some water weight

    Ive learned that it takes about 2 days into a vacation of eating more than I usually do, in both portion size and richer foods and alcohol, to notice that my body feels different.

    Remember that to gain a pound of fat you have to eat 3,500 calories more than your body needs to burn to function.

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    Keep Perspective And Remember Your Vacation Fondly

    Don’t cloud wonderful vacation memories by regretting your food choices. Weight loss is a long-term journey, and one setback will not derail your efforts to lose vacation weight. Start planning your next adventure, so you have something to look forward to. You can set a goal to maintain your weight on your next trip.

    I Enjoyed Discussions With My Family Around The Table

    15 totally realistic ways to lose weight on vacation ...

    All of these things contributed to a much more peaceful meal time experience with my husband and children. If we were at a restaurant, we waited quite awhile for our food because it was being prepared fresh! This gave us time to talk in ways that we dont at home.

    If I was serving courses in our vacation apartment, I waited until each person was done with a course before serving the next one. This made sure that we ate slowly and allowed us more time for discussions.

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